PSi Lexicon

Tag: dutch


intermediality  intermedialiteit Intermediality can be understood as transcending the specific use of a medium. Medium is interpreted here as the material bearer of an art form. There is no one correct way to use a medium. Following Irina Rajewski’s conceptualisation of the word, intermediality may serve foremost as an umbrella term for all phenomena that […]


intuïtie intuition intuïtie [ɪnty.i.ti.] (noun); intuition   Mensen hebben urenlang in de rij gelegen voor een kaartje om op dat moment aanwezig te zijn. Honderden professionals hebben naar dit moment toegewerkt. Maandenlang voorbereidingen, vormgeving, repetities en tonnen zijn geïnvesteerd. Het concert is daar, This is it! Geluid, licht, rookmachines staan klaar. Tientallen dansers weten hun routines en ques, […]


intuition intuïtie  People stand in line for hours at a ticket sale in order to be able to be present at a specific moment. Hundreds of professionals work towards a culminating moment. Months of rehearsals, preparations, publicity and lots (here I mean a huge amount) of money is invested in creating these moments. The concert […]


participatie participation participatie [pɑrtisi’pa(t)si] (noun); participation Participatie is delen. In een performance wil dit ten eerst zeggen, het delen van ruimte. Dit kan fysiek en mentaal zijn. Dat geldt voor zowel de toeschouwer als de performer. Zodra de toeschouwer de performanceruimte betreedt, wordt deze ruimte gedeeld door de performer met de toeschouwer. Dit kan een theater zijn, […]


participation participatie To participate is to share. In a performance, this involves the sharing of space, physically and mentally, by both the audience and the performer. Physical participation takes place as soon as the spectator enters any sort of performing space. This can be, for instance, the theatre, but also a museum or another location. […]

performance text

performance text performancetekst Everything that happens during a performance. The performance text not only entails the words spoken during a performance, but everything that inscribes meaning in a performance. Everything that happens on stage that gives the performance meaning can be seen as a part of the performance text. The performance text consists of a […]


political politiek   The term political is commonly seen as the following: being in relation to the government and other administrative institutions. The duty of the government is to serve the interests of its citizens, as individuals and as entities within society. Therefore, the political can be extended to mean anything that relates to those […]


presence aanwezigheid   The audience’s presence can be understood in many ways. One may speak about the essence of presence in theatre or one may talk about presence as a form of proximity. Bentley’s definition of theatre is: ‘A acts as if he is B, while C watches’ (150). C is the audience, and thus an […]

projective time

projective time projecterende tijd Philosopher and contemporary art theoretician Bojana Kunst wrote “The Project Horizon: On the Temporality of Making” that is about the tendency in the art world to project time into the future. Projecting time into the future means that an event is temporally suspended and that a working process leads up to this event […]


realiteit reality realiteit [rejaliˈtɛit] (noun)   Realiteit bestaat uit een verzameling informatie die door een individu op een zeker moment als waar geaccepteerd wordt. Het individu gebruikt deze informatie om de eventuele logica, of regels, van de wereld waar het individu zich op dat moment in bevindt te achterhalen en te kunnen begrijpen. Vervolgens wordt nieuwe informatie gestructureerd […]