PSi Lexicon

Tag: english

collectief geheugen

collectief geheugen collective memory collectief geheugen [kɔ.læk.tif γə.hø.γən] (noun); collective memory Het collectieve geheugen kan gezien worden als een verzameling herinneringen die wordt gedeeld door een groep individuen. Doordat meerdere mensen getuige zijn van een specifieke gebeurtenis ontstaat er een gemeenschappelijke herinnering. Een gemeenschappelijke herinnering kan ook al bestaan maar kan ook opgeroepen worden door een bepaalde […]

collective memory 

collective memory  collectief geheugen  Collective memory can be seen as a collection of memories shared by a group of individuals. A collective memory can arise when a group of people witness a specific event. The collective memory can also already be there, but a particular event can reinforce it. This witnessing creates a connection between […]


concept konzept A concept is a structure that functions through the interplay of different elements. Initially I understood the term as a thinking frame, or construction, or working plan, but it seems to have broader meanings. – A concept connects: it is the relationship between idea and formation, which at the same time are included […]


contradiction vastuolu Contradiction is a hidden cornerstone of dramaturgy, a litmus test of a dramaturge, a compulsory tool for a director, and an actor’s true challenge. Contradictions “charge” the text and make it dramatic, make it “work”. Contradictions create rhythms, patterns, and dramaturgical textures. Contradictions define the characters and their motivation and force them to […]


cry κραυγή In contemporary performance, the cry is more linked to a liberation of and a connection to the unconscious and less to the lament of ancient tragedy (oimoge). If we look at it from the perspective of Aristotle, it would probably be the scream of katharsis and not so much the one of pity […]

current, movement (in art)

current, movement (in art) ρεύμα According to the seventh – and last – definition given in the New Hellenic Lexicon of Emmanouil Kriaras et al, the noun ‘current’ could mean ‘a tendency within a literary or artistic movement’. A similar meaning is given to the word ‘movement’. However, a current is different from a movement […]

der multiple Körper

der multiple Körper the multiple body   “Wenn man dich nach der Beschreibung eines Objekts fragt, so wirst du antworten, dass es sich um einen undurchdringlichen, beweglichen Körper mit Oberfläche, Form und Farbe handelt. Lässt man von der Definition allerdings alle diese Attribute weg, was bleibt dann von dieser imaginären Entität, die du Körper nennst?” […]


discours discourse Discours is een sociale grens dat bepaalt wat er gezegd kan worden over een bepaald onderwerp. Judith Butler bescrijft deze grens als “the site […] where the opacity of what is not included in a given regime of truth acts as a disruptive site of linguistic impropriety and unrepresentability.” (Butler 53) Betekenis wordt toegekend aan […]


discourse discours Discourse is a social boundary that defines what can be said about a specific topic. Judith Butler describes these boundaries as “the site […] where the opacity of what is not included in a given regime of truth acts as a disruptive site of linguistic impropriety and unrepresentability” (Butler 53). Humans ascribe meaning to […]


entertainment ψυχαγωγία psychē (soul) + agōgē (conduct, leading)  Etymologically speaking, ‘ψυχαγωγία’ stresses something that provides entertainment and simultaneously broadens one’s mind and cultivates one’s soul. It instructs, amuses, nurtures skills and knowledge -all at once. ‘Διασκέδαση’ has a root that implies dispersion, a scattering of attention so as to relax the mind, while ‘ψυχαγωγία’ has […]