PSi Lexicon

Tag: english

projective time

projective time projecterende tijd Philosopher and contemporary art theoretician Bojana Kunst wrote “The Project Horizon: On the Temporality of Making” that is about the tendency in the art world to project time into the future. Projecting time into the future means that an event is temporally suspended and that a working process leads up to this event […]


reading ανάγνωση reading < ανα + γνώση (ana + gnosi) ana- (ανα-): prefix with several meanings 1) up: uphill, upcoming 2) backwards, back: retract, retreat 3) in the opposite direction: reverse, undoing 4) for a second time, again, re- : re-enlistment, re-letting, rehiring γnosi (γνώση) = knowledge Reading: 1) Τhe recognition and understanding of symbols […]


realiteit reality realiteit [rejaliˈtɛit] (noun)   Realiteit bestaat uit een verzameling informatie die door een individu op een zeker moment als waar geaccepteerd wordt. Het individu gebruikt deze informatie om de eventuele logica, of regels, van de wereld waar het individu zich op dat moment in bevindt te achterhalen en te kunnen begrijpen. Vervolgens wordt nieuwe informatie gestructureerd […]


reality realiteit Reality consists of a collection of information considered to be true by an individual at a certain moment. The individual will use this information to discover and understand the possible logic, or the rules, of the world that they are currently part of. Once these rules or logic are discovered, any new information will be structured […]


reflection reflectie Looking back at what happened, and give meaning to it. Thinking or contemplating Consideration To reflect is to hold a mirror in front of yourself or others. A mirror reveals something that could not be otherwise disclosed, enabling you to give something a new form of meaning. Reflection comes from the Latin word reflectere, meaning […]


resilience resiliencia   resilience [ri-zil-yuhns]- (noun)    Ecology: the ability of an ecosystem to return to its original state after being disturbed. Corporate marketing: A characteristic feature of reaction towards a complication often used to judge institutional and individual agents in their power to recover from distressing phases. Toughness that assures business continuity and competitiveness when depending in a […]


silence   stitle Silence is a term for something that does not really exist, but can still be very powerful. Silence would be the hearing of nothing, but this is not possible. There will always be sounds surrounding us (and in theatre for sure) although nobody says anything. There will always be someone coughing, a […]


simultaneity gelijktijdigheid  Simultaneity means that two or more events on stage have some coherence (or not)or happen at the same time.  These different elements do not have to be dependent on each other. One way to achieve this is the use of the ‘pictogram’. This is a physical representation (in abstract or concrete form) of […]

social choreography 

social choreography  sociale choreografie Social Choreography thinks about a social order that derives its ideals from the aesthetic world and seeks to inject this directly at the level of the body. In its most explicit form, this tradition observes the dynamic choreographic configurations produced in dance, and it intends for these forms to be applied […]

spectating (the act of)

spectating (the act of) gewaarworden One could define a spectator as an observer of an event or a person viewing something. An observer is a person who becomes aware (of things or events) through the senses. This awareness is something that should be emphasized in the definition of the spectator of a theatrical performance. Awareness […]