PSi Lexicon

Tag: english


entertainment ψυχαγωγία psychē (soul) + agōgē (conduct, leading)  Etymologically speaking, ‘ψυχαγωγία’ stresses something that provides entertainment and simultaneously broadens one’s mind and cultivates one’s soul. It instructs, amuses, nurtures skills and knowledge -all at once. ‘Διασκέδαση’ has a root that implies dispersion, a scattering of attention so as to relax the mind, while ‘ψυχαγωγία’ has […]


ervaringstheater experience (theatre of) Ervaringstheater [ɛrˈvariŋ] (noun)   Ervaring is kennis die men in de praktijk opdoet. Ervaring is het meemaken, het voelen, het waarnemen en het gewaarworden. In de theateromgeving bestaat de term ‘ervaringstheater’. Belevenistheaters zijn speciaal ontworpen om de ervaring van de gebruikers te versterken. Echter, theaterervaringsdeskundige, Marlieke Wilders, stelt dat versterking van […]


essay  essay   I have always been intrigued by the epistemological limitations of the knowledge that I, as a young scholar trained in literary and cultural studies, produce in an ambitious attempt to elucidate some of the world’s greatest mysteries. For what purpose have we been born? What are we supposed to do with the time […]


essay essay Ik heb mij altijd gefascineerd voor de epistemologische beperkingen van de kennis die ik, als jonge onderzoeker in de literatuur- en cultuurwetenschappen, voortbreng in een ambitieuze poging ’s werelds grootse mysteries te doorgronden. Waarom zijn we geboren? Wat moeten we doen met de tijd die ons gegeven is? Welke rol speelt kunst hierin? […]


expectation verwachting From Latin exspectatio: anticipation, awaiting, desire, curiosity. In theatre we are waiting, hoping for something positive, new or meaningful, knowing that this ‘something’ is going to occur somehow.   It also means ‘to defer action’. Once we’re seated, we are not planning on taking an active role. On the contrary, we want to be […]

experience (theatre of)

experience (theatre of) ervaringstheater  Experience is knowledge that results from practice. Experience means participating, feeling, perceiving and sensing. The concept of ‘experience-theatre’ is a part of the theatre world. Experience theatres are especially designed to intensify the experience of the spectators. Marlieke Wilders, expert in experience-theatre, , states that the strengthening of the experience of […]