PSi Lexicon



psychē (soul) + agōgē (conduct, leading) 

Etymologically speaking, ψυχαγωγία stresses something that provides entertainment and simultaneously broadens ones mind and cultivates ones soul. It instructs, amuses, nurtures skills and knowledge -all at once.

Διασκέδαση has a root that implies dispersion, a scattering of attention so as to relax the mind, while ψυχαγωγία has a root that implies more engaged action on the part of the mind. Amusement and fun and entertainment all feel more like διασκέδαση.

For the greater activity or engagement of the soul, its harder to find contemporary English equivalents. Trying to grasp that difference, Id suggest parts of the lyrics of Music by Joss Stone and Queens Let me entertain you.


Im so in love with my music

The way you keep me


Aint nobody doing what youre doing

You are my sunlight

You are the one mic

That sound so sweet because the beat just inspires me

No limit to your mind

Your endless love is open

To every race and kind

Could it be your blood runs golden

Baby if this world were mine

We would be singing in the Key of Life

When youre gone I cant survive

Cause I just cant be without my


let me entertain you 

Are you ready for some entertainment?

Are you ready for a show?

Gonna rock you gonna roll you

Get you dancing in the aisles

Jazz you razzmatazz you

With a little bit of style

Cmon let me entertain you

Ive come here to sell you my body

I can show you some good merchandise

Ill pull you and Ill pill you

Ill Cruela-de-ville you

And to thrill you Ill use any device

Author and translator: Stella Dimitrakopoulou



Ετυμολογικά, η λέξη ψυχαγωγία παράγεται από τις λέξεις «ψυχή» και «άγω», και περιλαμβάνει έννοιες όπως η εκπαίδευση, η τέρψη, η μόρφωση και η καλλιέργεια της ψυχής.

Αντιθέτως η λέξη διασκέδαση δηλώνει τον διασκορπισμό των μεριμνών, την απομάκρυνση της έγνοιας και των προβλημάτων. Άρα η διασκέδαση έχει να κάνει με την απαλλαγή από έγνοιες ενώ η ψυχαγωγία προυποθέτει ευχαρίστηση από περισσότερο δημιουργική ενασχόληση.

Για την προσέγγιση της έννοιας ψυχαγωγία σε αντιδιαστολή με την αγγλική απόδοση entertainment θα χρησιμοποιήσω αποσπάσματα από τους στίχους των κομματιών «Music» της Joss Stone και «let me entertain you» των Queen.


Im so in love with my music

The way you keep me


Aint nobody doing what youre doing

You are my sunlight

You are the one mic

That sound so sweet because the beat just inspires me

No limit to your mind

Your endless love is open

To every race and kind

Could it be your blood runs golden

Baby if this world were mine

We would be singing in the Key of Life

When youre gone I cant survive

Cause I just cant be without my


let me entertain you

Are you ready for some entertainment?

Are you ready for a show?

Gonna rock you gonna roll you

Get you dancing in the aisles

Jazz you razzmatazz you

With a little bit of style

Cmon let me entertain you

Ive come here to sell you my body

I can show you some good merchandise

Ill pull you and Ill pill you

Ill Cruela-de-ville you

And to thrill you Ill use any device

Author and translator:  Στέλλα Δημητρακοπούλου

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