PSi Lexicon



reading ανάγνωση reading < ανα + γνώση (ana + gnosi) ana- (ανα-): prefix with several meanings 1) up: uphill, upcoming 2) backwards, back: retract, retreat 3) in the opposite direction: reverse, undoing 4) for a second time, again, re- : re-enlistment, re-letting, rehiring γnosi (γνώση) = knowledge Reading: 1) Τhe recognition and understanding of symbols […]


realiteit reality realiteit [rejaliˈtɛit] (noun)   Realiteit bestaat uit een verzameling informatie die door een individu op een zeker moment als waar geaccepteerd wordt. Het individu gebruikt deze informatie om de eventuele logica, of regels, van de wereld waar het individu zich op dat moment in bevindt te achterhalen en te kunnen begrijpen. Vervolgens wordt nieuwe informatie gestructureerd […]


reality realiteit Reality consists of a collection of information considered to be true by an individual at a certain moment. The individual will use this information to discover and understand the possible logic, or the rules, of the world that they are currently part of. Once these rules or logic are discovered, any new information will be structured […]


reflection reflectie Looking back at what happened, and give meaning to it. Thinking or contemplating Consideration To reflect is to hold a mirror in front of yourself or others. A mirror reveals something that could not be otherwise disclosed, enabling you to give something a new form of meaning. Reflection comes from the Latin word reflectere, meaning […]


resilience resiliencia   resilience [ri-zil-yuhns]- (noun)    Ecology: the ability of an ecosystem to return to its original state after being disturbed. Corporate marketing: A characteristic feature of reaction towards a complication often used to judge institutional and individual agents in their power to recover from distressing phases. Toughness that assures business continuity and competitiveness when depending in a […]