PSi Lexicon



participatie participation participatie [pɑrtisi’pa(t)si] (noun); participation Participatie is delen. In een performance wil dit ten eerst zeggen, het delen van ruimte. Dit kan fysiek en mentaal zijn. Dat geldt voor zowel de toeschouwer als de performer. Zodra de toeschouwer de performanceruimte betreedt, wordt deze ruimte gedeeld door de performer met de toeschouwer. Dit kan een theater zijn, […]


participation participatie To participate is to share. In a performance, this involves the sharing of space, physically and mentally, by both the audience and the performer. Physical participation takes place as soon as the spectator enters any sort of performing space. This can be, for instance, the theatre, but also a museum or another location. […]


patience υπομονή   Fundamental and necessary feature of every artist and especially, of every artist with Greek nationality or immigrant artist who lives in Greece. Based on the dictionary patience is “the basic characteristic of the person who can wait, without hurry, remaining calm and composed”. In art, patience is the basic characteristic of the […]