preiskovánje investigation Samostalnik preiskovanje je vsebinsko gledano uspešno izveden performativ v kontekstu dela J. L. Austina Kako naredimo kaj z besedami, v katerem se ukvarja s performativi kot posebnim tipom izjavljanj, ki nimajo vrednostne komponente in glavna funkcija katerih je izvesti določeno akcijo. Glagol preiskovati ima strukturo perlokucijskega dejanja preko proizvajanja pomenov in odgovorov v polju navzkrižnega zasliševanja [kazensko pravo, medicina, novinarstvo, forenzična znanost, FBI in […]
presence aanwezigheid The audience’s presence can be understood in many ways. One may speak about the essence of presence in theatre or one may talk about presence as a form of proximity. Bentley’s definition of theatre is: ‘A acts as if he is B, while C watches’ (150). C is the audience, and thus an […]
privilege-culture προνόμιο-πολιτισμός My colleges and friends feel uncomfortable when they invite me to their performances. They call me difficult – I am the one who never feel satisfied. I do not write reviews and I have no power over anyone. It is just that I do not flutter anyone – and especially not myself. […]
projective time projecterende tijd Philosopher and contemporary art theoretician Bojana Kunst wrote “The Project Horizon: On the Temporality of Making” that is about the tendency in the art world to project time into the future. Projecting time into the future means that an event is temporally suspended and that a working process leads up to this event […]