PSi Lexicon



participation participatie To participate is to share. In a performance, this involves the sharing of space, physically and mentally, by both the audience and the performer. Physical participation takes place as soon as the spectator enters any sort of performing space. This can be, for instance, the theatre, but also a museum or another location. […]


patience υπομονή   Fundamental and necessary feature of every artist and especially, of every artist with Greek nationality or immigrant artist who lives in Greece. Based on the dictionary patience is “the basic characteristic of the person who can wait, without hurry, remaining calm and composed”. In art, patience is the basic characteristic of the […]


performance (the) performance (la/el) The attachment of gender to the term performance depending on the location within which it is used – i.e. Latin America or Spain – is an interesting point. What is it that makes the article either feminine or masculine? In English, for example, the term is always perceived as neutral: “the” performance. However, […]

performance text

performance text performancetekst Everything that happens during a performance. The performance text not only entails the words spoken during a performance, but everything that inscribes meaning in a performance. Everything that happens on stage that gives the performance meaning can be seen as a part of the performance text. The performance text consists of a […]


political politiek   The term political is commonly seen as the following: being in relation to the government and other administrative institutions. The duty of the government is to serve the interests of its citizens, as individuals and as entities within society. Therefore, the political can be extended to mean anything that relates to those […]


preiskovánje investigation Samostalnik preiskovanje je vsebinsko gledano uspešno izveden performativ v kontekstu dela J. L. Austina Kako naredimo kaj z besedami, v katerem se ukvarja s performativi kot posebnim tipom izjavljanj, ki nimajo vrednostne komponente in glavna funkcija katerih je izvesti določeno akcijo. Glagol preiskovati ima strukturo perlokucijskega dejanja preko proizvajanja pomenov in odgovorov v polju navzkrižnega zasliševanja [kazensko pravo, medicina, novinarstvo, forenzična znanost, FBI in […]


presence aanwezigheid   The audience’s presence can be understood in many ways. One may speak about the essence of presence in theatre or one may talk about presence as a form of proximity. Bentley’s definition of theatre is: ‘A acts as if he is B, while C watches’ (150). C is the audience, and thus an […]


  privilege-culture προνόμιο-πολιτισμός My colleges and friends feel uncomfortable when they invite me to their performances. They call me difficult – I am the one who never feel satisfied. I do not write reviews and I have no power over anyone. It is just that I do not flutter anyone – and especially not myself. […]

projective time

projective time projecterende tijd Philosopher and contemporary art theoretician Bojana Kunst wrote “The Project Horizon: On the Temporality of Making” that is about the tendency in the art world to project time into the future. Projecting time into the future means that an event is temporally suspended and that a working process leads up to this event […]


reading ανάγνωση reading < ανα + γνώση (ana + gnosi) ana- (ανα-): prefix with several meanings 1) up: uphill, upcoming 2) backwards, back: retract, retreat 3) in the opposite direction: reverse, undoing 4) for a second time, again, re- : re-enlistment, re-letting, rehiring γnosi (γνώση) = knowledge Reading: 1) Τhe recognition and understanding of symbols […]