PSi Lexicon


spectating (the act of)

spectating (the act of) gewaarworden One could define a spectator as an observer of an event or a person viewing something. An observer is a person who becomes aware (of things or events) through the senses. This awareness is something that should be emphasized in the definition of the spectator of a theatrical performance. Awareness […]


spectator  toeschouwer    toeschouwer [‘tusxαuwər] (noun); spectator   In his article The Emancipated Spectator, philosopher Jacques Rancière claims: “there is no theatre without spectators, be it only a single and hidden one” (271). In Dramaturgy of the Spectator, theatre scholar and professor Marco De Marinis states that a performance text only achieves its fullness through specific actions/operations […]


speech To discuss the term ‘Λόγος’ (Logos) I make use of the sophists’ use of the term ‘logos’ which can be translated as ‘discourse’. Considering that discourse can be both verbal and written alongside the fact that ‘logos’ relates to the speech itself, I feel like I can discuss ‘logos’ as ‘spoken discourse’. Etymologically, the […]


stilte silence  stilte [stɪlte] (noun)   Stilte is een term voor iets dat eigenlijk niet bestaat en toch erg krachtig kan zijn. Stilte zal het horen van niets zijn, maar dit is niet mogelijk. Er zullen altijd (en zeker in het theater) geluiden om ons heen zijn, ook al zegt niemand iets. Er zal altijd iemand […]


stranger ξένος-η-ο Somebody or something that is not mine, that does not belong to me. Somebody that is not a citizen of the country where he lives. Somebody that crosses the border, a “dangerous border crossers”, (Guillermo Gomez-Peña.) Derivatives: η ξενιτιά, τα ξένα: the foreign land, but also the exile; ξενίτης: the stranger wherever in […]

the multiple body

the multiple body English/German “If you are asked to describe an object, you answer that it is a body with a surface, impenetrable, shaped, coloured and movable. But substract all these adjectives from your definition and what is left of that imaginary being you call the body?” (Denis Diderot, Letters on the Deaf and Dumb) […]


theory theorie Theory is the consideration, the speculation, the result of a thorough study, a personal opinion that reflects an individual. It also means the personal investigation of a situation, a sight or a place. The first ‘’theorists’’ (θεωροί [theori]) were “tourists”, according to Ulmer. He writes that for Herodotus, the aim of Solon’s visit to […]


thesaurus – system of an eternally multiplying system Thesaurus – System eines sich ewig multiplizierenden Systems   «The library is a sphere of which the real centre is any arbitrary hexagon, and whose extent is unfathomable» (Jorge Luis Borges, The Library of Babel) Jorge Luis Borges describes the library of Babel as an endlessly proliferating […]


transformation Μετασχηματισμός   The gradual change of form. The gradual change of structure. The gradual change of consciousness. The gradual and painful change of the self. The, with full consciousness, change of the self. The, without spectacular ruptures – but with full consciousness of time – change of the self. The without spectacular ruptures – […]


transversality transversalidad A manner of acting against a pre-established order contradicting the typical methods. Oppose or denial of what is already existing in order to influence a current state of affairs.   A condition with reference to place that produces a special impact, generally creating a space of negotiation since it always has to do […]